

A selection of current and earlier spoons and bowls. See SpoonsandBowls Blog for an up-to-date calendar of shows and work for sale.

Large Norway maple ladle with hook

Alder blue breakfast bowl

beech salad bowl and hazel servers 1512

blue poplar 1514

blue poplar 1511

blue poplar 1513

carved poplar 1515

pear 1516

20" ultramarine poplar bowl 1508

goat willow and white bowl

carved and painted poplar bowl, 16"

butter spreaders in damson

breakfast bowls in alder with hazel spoons

Blue Poplar Bowl

Red Ochre Bowl

Blue Aspen Fruit Bowl

Alder and Birch servers

shadows come free with every rack of spoons

 Cherry Swedish style bowl

 Sycamore dough bowl

Sycamore bowl

 Spalted Hawthorn scoop

Birch serving spoon

Shropshire soup spoon, Silver Birch.

Ladle from large Goat Willow crook. 150ml bowl.

Bent-branch spoon in Cedar of Lebanon and scoop in Sycamore

Spoons and scoops in Alder, sycamore, Apple, Rose and Hawthorn

Sycamore dough bowl

Damson serving spoon

Large Damson server

Damson caddy spoon

Damson scoop

Dark Spalted Hawthorn caddy spoon

Pot of three Spalted Hawthorn measuring scoops

Spalted Hawthorn scoop with hook

Spalted Birch serving spoons

Hazel large eating spoon

Wild Damson bowl

Spalted birch salad bowl and servers

Damson bent branch serving spoon

Hawthorn bent branch ladle.

Bent branch serving spoon in Damson.

Bent branch eating spoon in Damson.

Large scoop in Spalted Hawthorn.

Large ladle in Damson, small ladle in Hawthorn.

Small, medium and large salad servers in Spalted Birch.

Damson serving spoon

Damson bent branch ladle

Damson server

Hawthorn scoops

Goat Willow spreaders

Spalted Birch Cooking Spoons

Spalted Silver Birch Bowl

Spalted Goat Willow Swedish Style Bowl

Spalted Silver Birch Salad/Fruit Bowl

Spalted And Figured Aspen Spoon

Figured Aspen Serving Spoon

Figured Goat Willow Small Scoup

Spalted Birch Breakfast Bowls

Spalted Birch Bowl

Goat Willow Swedish Style Bowl

Large Aspen dough bowl

Very large spalted Aspen Bowl

Spalted Birch Swedish style bowl.

Spalted Birch breakfast bowl.

Damson scoup showing natural colour and curve from old bent branch.

Bent branch Goat Willow ladle

Hawthorn bent branch scoup, sap stained.

Coloured 'Pixie' cooking spoons

Hawthorn bent branch small ladle

Spalted Hawthorn bent branch serving spoon

Damson (Shropshire Prune) bent branch serving spoon

Spoonfest 2012 Cherry serving spoon

Spalted Birch serving spoon

Spoonfest 2012 Field Maple scoup

Spalted Birch serving spoon

Hawthorn bent branch small ladle

Birch bent branch serving spoon

My maker's mark

Small Birch drinking cup

Onion staned Sycamore scoup

Hawthorn coffee scoup

Hawthorn sap stained mini scoup

Pair of Birch servers

Sap stained Hawthorn scoup

'Pixie' cooking spoons

Sycamore ladle

Sycamore bowl with Sycamore seedling!

Eating spoon development

Set of 6 different woods eating spoons

Hawthorn eating spoon

White willow ladle

Birch eating spoon bowl with walnut oil finish

Lawsons Cypress cooking spoons

Aspen serving spoon

Sap stained Hawthorn soup spoon

Bowl of Goat Willow serving spoon

Sycamore bent branch spoon

Large Aspen ladle

Birch eating spoons

Goat Willow Swedish style bowl

Hawthorn bowl and bent branch spoon

Aspen bowl

Goat Willow bowl

Aspen ladle/olive scoup

Unfinished Hazel eating spoons

Birch salad servers

1 comment:

  1. Barn is a genius when it comes to spoons, but I think your being a bit modest! Absolutely beautiful spoons, Alastair.
